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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Constitution Party is a fraud - Jesuit run -Part 2

Constitution Party is a fraud - Jesuit run -Part 2 Tube. Duration : 10.08 Mins. Constitution Party is a fraud -Jesuit run -Part 2 Sorry, made this video after waking up. not the best, but just wanted to vent real quick and bring something to people's attention. I'm just a very angry, ex-supporter and ex-member of the fraudualant jesuit ran, Constitution Party. I also promoted the a site called alot. I thought these people were good people. They had scripture verses on their webiste. Talked about the Republican and Democrat party being the same, which I agree with also. Talked about AMerica being a christian nation, and would go to lengths to prove that. I just think they are a bunch of frauds and feel very betrayed. I knew about the New World Order and the Illuminati for about 7 years, but never knew who they really were (the Vatican) until recently. I put two and two together about 8 months ago and started seeing all these Vatican ties to the New World Order and al these little sub organizations. Watching how every presidential appointee is Catholic (Sotomayor, Roberts, not to mention other high public offices). I started reading early american writings about a Papal Conspiracy to take over America. I read the letters of support that the Pope wrote to the South's president-Jefferson Davis. Then I saw the write articles and put up audio shows talking about Lincoln being a tyrant and being the worst president. ANd they also seemed to support the thinking that "The SOuth was Right". So i asked them ...

Tags: fraud, constitution, party, obama, bush, alex, jones, peroutka, lofton, american, view, liquid, smooth, chris, lucas, alternative, media, shill, vatican, lincoln, civil, war, jesuits, jesuit, nwo, new, world, order, illuminati

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