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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Not Silent. Sgt. Benjamin Anthony [IDF] at Hampshire (2/3/11)

Not Silent. Sgt. Benjamin Anthony [IDF] at Hampshire (2/3/11) Tube. Duration : 13.07 Mins.

!!! SUPPORT THE IRVINE 11 !!! Students who peacefully protested a speech by Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren are facing prosecution. Defend their right to peacefully protest by signing the petition! CHECK OUT OUR TEMPORARY BLOG to read a more detailed description of what happened at this event, or to download a printable file of the pamphlet we distributed there, here: ==== OUR SOLDIERS SPEAK RACIST LIES === Israel's current PR campaign diverts attention from the numerous human rights violations Israel commits against the Palestinian people and obscures Palestinian civil society's 2005 Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) call. [1] Sgt. Anthony has repeatedly stressed the "non-political" nature of his talks. We would like to ask: how can bringing a soldier from the 4th largest army in the world to speak be anything other than a political act? In fact, there has been a concerted campaign over the last few years to whitewash Israel's crimes against the Palestinians with PR campaigns such as this event. Anthony has said that IDF soldiers "never fire on civilians". But since 2000 alone, between 3535 - 4226 civilians have been killed by the Israeli military, 1452 of which were children. Could a US soldier speak about their experiences in Iraq or Afghanistan non-politically? What would be the purpose of lying about these statistics unless Sgt. Anthony and this event's sponsors had a political stake in the situation? = ABOUT THE SPONSORS OF THIS ...

Keywords: Palestine, Israel, Hampshire College, Protest, BDS, Zionism, IDF, Muzzlewatch, JVP, anti-Zionism, Judaism, Solidarity, Hasbara, Love

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